Tuesday, June 11, 2024

List Quote 1 - 25

Recap Quote Post From Quote 1 - 25

Quote 1

It’s not about what word is used, it’s about who it’s from.

Quote 2

Words you type or say might be mislead to some people without your expression or emotion to be showed. This is part of human mistake by judging Words without expression or emotion. That why "face to face" make things more clear then anything else

Quote 3

Illusions or real illusions? Hidden in an illusion is the real illusion. From one illusion will sprout another illusion. Hidden is truths lie lies, hidden in lies hides the truth.

Quote 4

Every love is always start with sweet moment and you fall for it. True love will not bring you sour but you feel warm after sometime. Every fight in relationship is to bring more understanding to one and other. If you cant understand it and solve it, it bring you to no where. Once you end the relationship, you found the reason behide was stupid. In the end you cover with some lies to make yourself feel better.

Quote 5

No one is perfect. Leave some room for mistake and understanding. Stop being selfish. It really help to bring better relastionship.

Quote 6

Everyday, thousands of people die because of ganks. These ganks could have been prevented. Buy a ward, save a life - League of Legends

Quote 7

If you get killed, accept it. Don't blame it for not paying attention or lag - League of Legends

Quote 8

People say there is no difference between complete and finish. But there is. When you marry the right one, you are complete. When you marry the wrong one, you are finish. But when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are completely finished

Quote 9

I wanna write "i miss you" on a rock and throw it at your face so you will know how much it hurts to miss you.

Quote 10

"I think that the only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change when everybody else does."

Quote 11

Men are like “Bluetooth”; he is connected to you when you are nearby, but searches for other devices when you are away… Women are like Wi-Fi; she sees all available devices but connects to the strongest one.

Quote 12

Keep Calm. Because YOU'RE Forever Alone

Quote 13

I don't have an amazing figure or a flat stomach. I'm far from being considered a model but, i'M me. I eat food. I have curves. I have more fat than i should. I have scars because i have a history. Some people love me, some like me, some hate me. I have done good. I have done bad. I love my pj's and i go with out makeup and sometime don;t get my hair done. I'm random and crazy. I don't pretend to be someone i'm not. I am who I am, you can love me or not. I won't change!! And if I love you. I do it with my whole heart!! I make no apologies for the way I am.

Quote 14

It takes 1 small rat dropping to destroy a pot of porridge. Just like... It takes 1 person to ruin a community.

Quote 15

Sometime you just have to pick yourself up and carry on....

Quote 16

Life... has knocked me down a few times, it showed me things i never wanted to see, i experienced many sadness and failures... But one thing for sure.. I ALWAYS GET UP!!..

Quote 17

Heart of the issue is the issue of the heart. What may appear to be may not be. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eyes.

Quote 18


Quote 19

Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be you. -Kanye West

Quote 20

If you still hurt..... You still care...

Quote 21

Wherever we are, it is our friends that make our world.

Quote 22

Failure is not about falling down. Is about refusing to get up!!

Quote 23

Everyone makes mistake in life, but that doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life. Sometime good people make bad choices. It doesn't mean they're bad. It means they're HUMAN

Quote 24

Never make a decision when you're angry. Never make a promise when you're happy.

Quote 25

You may lose the people you love. You may lose the things you have. But no matter what happen... You never want to lose yourself.

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